Creamy Mushroom Chicken

Creamy Mushroom Chicken and Homemade Pasta

This is a great, one pot, dish;.  It's not on the light side, so make sure you are hungry.  Its simple to make, and takes just over an hour to prep, then another 30 min to cook.  You can make this with store bought pasta, and just use extra chicken stock.  As I made the pasta from scratch, all I has to do was let it simmer for two min and it was done.  A number of recipes online call for canned milk.  I try to cook with whole foods, as much as possible, so I opted for half and half cream (18%).

To make the most if the time, you can cook and prep the pasta at the same time.  I opted to do my meal prep while the pasta was chilling.

Creamy mushroom chicken ingredients:
  1. 4 Boneless skinless chicken thighs or small breasts (sliced into small strips);
  2. Olive oil;
  3. 1 medium onion, finely chopped;
  4. 5 cloves if finally minced garlic;
  5. 3 sticks of celery (optional, but adds a nice crunch);
  6. 1 227 gram container of mushrooms (sliced);
  7. 1 glass of white wine (1/3 cup ish);
  8. 2 cups of half and half;
  9. 1 and 1/2 cups of chicken stock;
  10. 1 Cup of grated Parmesan cheese;
  11. Grated nutmeg, about half a nut; 
  12. freshly chopped parsley;
  13. Fresh pasta.
To cook, heat up a large pan on the stove top.  Once warm, and the oil is shining; add the sliced chicken.  Once the chicken is in the pan, season with salt and pepper if you wish.  Let it cook until it is fully cooked.

Once cooked, set aside, and add the onion, garlic and celery to the pan.  When the garlic is fragment and the onion translucent add in the wine.  For mine, I used a Pinot Grigio. Once the wine has reduced, add the mushrooms.  Cook until most of the moisture is sweated out.

Add the cream, and chicken stock, and bring to a simmer.  Add back the chicken, and a 1/2 cup of pram.

When the sauce starts to thicken, add the homemade pasta, and stir around.

Once the pasta is cooked (2 min) and the sauce thick, grate in the nutmeg and stir it in.

Plate with some chopped parsley, and freshly grated pram.  The recipe as made serves 4 to 6 depending on plate size.  If you made this for yourself, what did you think?


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